Judge No Man….

Hey guys,

Good evening, everyone!! How did your day go? My day went very well. Recently, I have been truly inspired to work on my sketches/Portfolio and its coming out better than I had imagined. I can feel my creative juices flowing and in good dose, too. *whoop*.. Enough about me and my life. Today, I really just want to give my own 1,000 cents on the Criminalization of Homosexuality… Its just my opinions and if they don’t sit well wit you.. Do this, GTFOH! Thank you… 🙂

First of all, I do NOT care (Well, I really don’t care much for a whole lot of people and who they think they are) who exactly you are but as long as you are not God or God-appointed Enforcer, Jury, Judge… etc, you have NO RIGHT to tell another man how he should live his life. Some of you have interpreted the bible to accommodate your selfish actions, you now think that because you have authority or some misguided sense of power, you can condemn another man? The same bible you hold accountable for the condemnation of homosexuality is the same bible that still says “Do NOT judge”, Let the man without sin be the first to cast a stone but do you remember that? Nooo! Why should you? After all, it is better to get rid of something you find strange and unacceptable, isn’t it?

A lot of you sit back and condemn other people’s kids and funny thing is, YOUR kids are homosexual. Oh really? You really want to sit down there and call me a liar? Even you, self righteous misguided self appointed saints ARE homosexuals. Call me a liar, hate yourselves and the people just like you, find the “cure” to your disease because, it is a disease, just because you can’t handle it. *Come close, let me tell you a secret!*
YOU ARE HOMOSEXUAL! Deal with it!!
Homosexuality is not a choice (Maybe for some deranged people, it is) neither is it a disease. It is as much a part of you as your brain is. Can you get rid of your brain? Oh shoot! Why am I asking? It is rather pointless. The same people that condemn are the same one’s that not only love lesbian porn, you would have a threesome the minute you get the opportunity.. How much of a hypocrite are you? Wait! Let me tell you..

* You are sooo neck deep in hypocrisy, you start to believe, you are beyond reproach. Who died and made you God? Irrelevant retard!! Hiss *

Truthfully, sexual intercourse between two men is a whole lot more unacceptable than intercourse between two women but if you are for Lesbians, you might as well be for gay men or if you won’t, Don’t judge or condemn these people.. You are just as guilty. Homosexuals are just people. Humans like you with the same internal and external organs. What makes you think that, you are better than they are OR, that you have a right to a normal life and they don’t OR, you have the right to live and they don’t? WHAT GIVES YOU THE RIGHT? I need someone to stand and come forward and say, God gave me the right and, you better have proof.. Honestly, I think homosexuals are better humans than you “supposed NORMAL people”. You, normal people that rejoice in hurting each other every day. I have homosexual friends and I give to them, the same love I extend to you, so called Normal people.

Now, the government has decided that they have the power, so why not use it? You have POWER, yet we can’t even boast of Electrical Power supply, something a whole lot more important but you are there, sitting on your man made throne passing bills and judgements and telling another man, who he should be? Every day, you say to them with these laws, You are NOT human. You are not fit to roam this earth. You are worse than animals. You are worthless and disgusting and an abomination.. Do you extend the same treatment to your homosexual brother/sister/child/father/Mother? Do you subject them to the same emotional torture? Or, do you just condemn another man’s child/brother/sister/father/mother? If you can subject a man to 14 years in Prison for loving another, then you might as well, cut off the male part of a rapist or, condemn a rapist to the same torture which he is been condemned for but that makes no sense, does it?

A whole lot of you would say (after reading this) that, What does she know?
It matters not what I know but that, you have NO RIGHT. No right to take away another man’s freedom. Just leave them alone and, live your lives. They haven’t hurt you in anyway..

As for those of you blaming the whites for homosexuality, take this ( •_•) !! Nobody held a gun to anybody’s head and said “Today, you are going to get f**ked in the *** and you are going to love it……..

I know I can’t change your mind or the mind of every man but you can atleast sit back and search your soul. We speak against bullying but yet, you do it every day to your own fellow man. Not just by actions but also, words. Every man is entitled to his freedom regardless of his sexual preference………….

Love makes the world go round….

Friends to Strangers or What??….


Happy New Year, guys.. Yes! Yes! I know, I am late but I’ve been busy.. Just finished the craziest and most fun photoshoot, I have been in in a really long while. When there is chemistry, there is magic. Plus, where there is good food, there is Energy. 3 different types of pizzas, rice and chicken, soft drinks, wine, fruits and good music… As soon as the photos are ready, I’ll definitely put them up. 2014 is going to be a pretty Epic year for me by God’s Grace, I can just feel it. Lol.. Ok, the main reason I am here is all about friends becoming strangers or people you thought were your friends suddenly start to act weird….. Enjoy

For those of you that didn’t know, my Birthday was 2 days ago, Jan 14 and to those that remembered, those that didn’t, those that did but didn’t care eventhough, you claim “True friend”, may God bestow upon you the blessings you deserve.. Lol. You know how, sometimes you are pretty chummy with someone and the next you get silence so loud, you can hear the sweat drops run down your skin. Silence that just creeps up after an awkward joke. I am one of those people with confrontation phobia but if I care enough to confront you, then it means you are more than just a friend but if I don’t, then I can certainly do without you in my life but if, I am that unimportant isn’t it just best to be clear about everything? Nobody gats time for that, yo.. :p

When you lose a good friend over some thoughtless situation or some selfish act, its not really the present situation that hurts, its the fact that all those years or all that time you spent building a comfortable and trusted relationship, it was soo easy to break apart. *sigh*.. What does that say exactly? Ofcourse, nobody expects you as a friend to be perfect. You are allowed your mistakes, tantrums and happy times but you never forget the person important to you. True friendships are the best thing anybody could ask for. Any kind of relationship is held together by some level of Respect, and Respect breeds great friendships but why suddenly is it so, hard to find? Sometimes, people you have known for more than a couple years aren’t left out.

When people slowly drift apart is also, a sad thing. Good friends that become good at ignoring you like they never knew you. What’s with that? I don’t know about you but I do know this, True Friends, try to stay and people you just know wont, are just that. People!! If you know, you have a True friend or the makings of a potential True friend in someone, keep it! Build it! Celebrate it! Treasure it and Appreciate it! Trust me, when it sure gets bloody rough only a handful of those flighty birds will stick around and (ง’̀⌣’́)ง with you and then, celebrate with you when you win or cry with you and say “There’s always tomorrow….